Supporting those post Covid -19 pandemic.
With nearly 30 years’ experience of working in health settings (including ICU) I have a deep understanding and empathy of the experiences our frontline health workers are experiencing at the moment. Understanding the fear and the anxiety but also knowing the sense of duty and dedication that drives these workers through to care for their patients. I know how this leaves them emotionally exhausted.
I am experienced in Trauma Management and by using HG Rewind Techniques I can help alleviate traumatic experiences ensuring the past no longer impact the future.
I am not working exclusively with frontline workers. I welcome all enquiries from anyone in need of emotional support with the aim of treating clients as quickly and as efficiently as possible so they can build resilience and endurance.
I am prioritising bookings for frontline key workers* and offering a special session rate (some Trusts and companies will even fund support if asked and I can process these claims too).
My aim is to treat my clients as quickly and effectively as possible. HG therapy is the fastest, most effective treatment presently available and research published in Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice showed that;-
1) More than 3 in 4 clients were either symptom free or significantly recovered in an average of only 3.6 session
2) Human Givens therapy is 3x more effective than the next most effective psychotherapy.
3) Most people can be helped in 4-6 session although some people require only one or two sessions to achieve their required results. Some people with more complex difficulties may require more.
The fees at Feed The Soul reflects the fast, effective results that are generally achieved with each client. HG is a brief, solution focussed therapy and as such there will not be months and months of therapy to pay for. My intention is to work with my client to achieve the outcome they want in as short a time frame as possible so they can move on, fully equipped for the next life chapter.
I can see clients in person or meet online.
These are unprecedented times.
It's okay to not be okay.
Make the first step to change.
Make contact today.
* Key worker as defined as per government guidance. Only your ID is needed. Contact me to discuss.